Latest Episodes

COVID-19 and the Skills of Good Citizenship
Catholic Social Teaching is often described as the ‘jewel in the crown’ for Catholics. At this time when communities are coming together to act...

COVID19: No public worship, self-isolation and social distancing
Our latest podcast again features Professor Jim McManus who's Hertfordshire County Council's Director of Public Health and a key contributor to the Catholic Church's...

Coronavirus - What Catholics need to know about COVID-19
There's an understandable level of anxiety generated whenever anyone talks about Coronavirus and the global impact of COVID-19. But what is always needed is...

Epiphany: Following the stellar arrangements
We're into the new year and it's well worth remembering that Christmas doesn't end on Boxing Day as everyone looks to move on rather...

Christmas: How silently the wondrous gift is given
As Advent - the great season of anticipation and preparation - draws to a close we arrive at the crib to celebrate Christ among...

Advent: Trust in God and each other
Trust is in relatively short supply these days. As we arrive at the fourth and final Sunday of Advent, we look at the extraordinary...